5 Ways To Love Yourself And Be Happy


“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” – Louise L. Hay

Self-love and happiness aren’t something that can be found but they have to be created. It cannot be changed like a switch of a button where you just flick it and you start loving yourself and your life. It’s achieved and discovered by constant practice and learned every day. 

Loving yourself may be the only productive thing you can do for your life because self hate, underestimating, and doubting yourself are all the things that are limiting you from reaching your full potential and achieving true happiness. 

You can’t really be happy if you don’t truly love yourself because it doesn’t matter how much achievement you get in your life, you will always feel empty and shallow as if you don’t deserve happiness at all. 

Then how should you love yourself?

Well, it’s a journey to love yourself, we have listed a few activities that help in enhancing your self-love and improve genuine happiness in your life. 

  1. Throw away the idea of being perfect

Perfection doesn’t exist whether it may be a perfect life, body, or IQ. You may find them on social media, where most people are masking their mental health issues.  The bad news is, you’re never going to be perfect and the good news is because you already are in your imperfection. 

2. You Cannot Meet the Societies’ Expectations

It’s human nature to always desire for more and try to achieve the even unrealistic highest standards, that’s what keeps them unhappy.

Therefore, it’s prudent to never compare yourself to the societies’ unrealistic standards because it only leads to self-hatred and depression. 

3. Live in the Moment

Take a break from everything you’re currently doing and just take a good look into yourself.

Wonder where you have come from and how far you have come and achieved, and acknowledge the beautiful fact of being ALIVE. You’re a living, breathing, and well-functioning human being which is a luxury on its own. 

4. Give Gratitude on a Daily Basis

Showing gratitude is the key to eternal happiness. 

Create a journal, a blog, or take a moment to think about all the good things you’re utterly grateful for. Such as your life, friends, body, mind, and your very first childhood crush and how that person held the elevator door out for you. 

We get ungrateful when we get comfortable. You need to change that attitude and give gratitude every day.

5. Embrace the Fact That You Don’t Have Control Over Everything

You have only control over your own choices and reactions. There are certain things which you can’t control yourself such as your feelings and emotions. Similarly, you can’t control other people’s feelings, choices, and emotions. 

Life isn’t about having control over everything but it’s about your reactions towards it. There are two extremes which you must not ever do. First is controlling everything and the second is leaving everything to the will of God. There is a grey line between these two extremes where you need to try to do everything within your hands, then leave it to work itself out. 

These are a few of the many important lessons on how to love yourself and be happy. The best way to do it is to start practicing on the ones where you’re most drawn towards and work on it every day. Once it becomes a habit, you’ll see your life to eventually improve and seize the opportunity to gain happiness from within.